Internet Archive: The End?
So...have you heard about the drama with the Internet Archive? I still don't know a whole lot but when I tried to access it this morning it was temporarily unavailable. A quick Google search has it littered with articles how IA recently lost against the Supreme Court and was forced to remove hundreds of thousands books offline. As if that couldn't get any worse, it appeared to have been hacked. What does this have to do with Beyond Bizarre? All of the existing episodes are on there. So if The Internet Archive is no longer accessible that means no more access to Beyond Bizarre. That is, if you haven't downloaded any of it. I recently received an email from a very kind person who linked me to episodes they recorded! Skimming through it, it looks like there was actually at least a handful of lost episodes on there. Can't confirm it just yet due to my hectic and busy life unfortunately. I did have a scare when I finally did have time to dedicate to this is RIGHT WHEN IT WE